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Amazon Hit with Lawsuit Brought by Sickened Employees
One of the major litigation issues arising from the COVID-19 outbreak is whether employers will be liable in civil lawsuits when employees contract coronavirus at work. The usual remedy for this is that the employee ca...
3 Million Plaintiffs in Huge Healthcare Class Action
Early this week in Sacramento, California, news was released about a gigantic class action lawsuit that was taking place in the area, where over 3 million individuals joined up as plaintiffs in order to sue a healthca...
Digging for Buried Treasure in Westchester’s Own Backyard
In Westchester County, there are billions of dollars hiding in plain sight. This untapped wealth belongs to local residents and businesses, long forgotten in unused bank accounts, uncashed checks, stocks, bonds, an...
Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds
Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds According to news from Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday, the Treasury department is set to return around $10 million in unclaimed funds to Oregon residents in t...
Unlock Your Potential: How to Find Unclaimed Funds and Resources
Are you looking for ways to supplement your income? Have you ever considered looking for unclaimed funds and resources? You may be surprised to find out how much money you could be missing out on. Unclaimed f...
Discover Hidden Treasure: Finding Unclaimed Money/Funds/Resources - Top National Trends Revealed!
Have you ever dreamt of stumbling upon a hidden treasure? Well, the real-life version may be closer than you think! Unclaimed money, funds, and resources are waiting to be di...
Fans Sue Major League Baseball for a Refund on Tickets
Most Americans view baseball season starting in any format as the sign that the country is starting to get back to normal after the COVID-19 crisis. However, even the most optimistic forecasts do not have baseball tea...
LG Starts Claims in a Class-Action Lawsuit for Its French Door Refrigerators
LG has agreed to a settlement for its French side-by-side refrigerators. Perchance you own a refrigerator produced between January 2014 and December 2017; you may receive a reward for having a defe...
Uber is Bullying Its Employees to Support California Proposition 22
The state of California has taken up the fight against technology companies that are employers of independent contractors "mainly Uber and Lyft" by a new law designed to give workers benefits avai...