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ACLU Files Class-Action Lawsuit for the Use of Brute Force in Portland

ACLU Files Class-Action Lawsuit for the Use of Brute Force in Portland The nation has been under deep stress as protests overtake several cities and states in America. People are exercising their firs...

Consumer Sues Nestle Claiming that the Vanilla in Coffee Mate Is Artificial

A favorite lawsuit filed by class action attorneys is that a consumer product is not what it claims to customers in its marketing. The attorneys get a decent cut of the settlement agreement while ...

Grubhub Sued for Forcing "Partnerships" on Restaurants

Grubhub has been one of the businesses that have benefited from the COVID-19 lockdowns as people have ordered food in their homes. However, their business practices have come under attack from restaurants that claim t...

Federal Government Files New Facebook Lawsuit Alleging Major Crimes

In the past few years, there have been several potential issues with the way Facebook has operated. The site has gradually evolved from a small social media company to a major business that affects ever...

Ticket Buyers Will Launch a Wave of COVID-19 Class-Action Lawsuits

COVID-19 lawsuits promise to dominate the legal landscape in the United States long after the virus recedes from the front pages of the news. Economic life in the country has come to a complete stop, invok...

States Face Numerous Lawsuits Filed Over Lockdowns

Numerous state and local governments are facing lawsuits over their stay-at-home orders from citizens and businesses that want the lockdowns to end. So far, litigants have had little success overturning these orders in co...

Why Not to Take Litigation Financing

Many people who have a personal injury lawsuit or are expecting some type of settlement will turn to a third party to obtain financing for their case. It does not mean that they are taking out a loan to get money for their case. Instea...

Does "Gorilla Glue Girl" Have a Case in Court? Legal Experts Weigh In

Thanks to the internet, people quickly hear about all sorts of personal disasters. Every now and then, a person's struggle is just so bizarre that it ends up going viral. Gorilla Glue Girl is one su...

Find Out if You're Sitting on a Fortune: A Guide to Unclaimed Funds

Governments, financial institutions, and other organizations in trust accounts or forgotten bank accounts hold unclaimed funds. These funds often go unclaimed due to an owner's death, change of addres...