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Must-Have Information if You've Ever Incorporated in Delaware

The state of Delaware is known for having lots of corporations. It's one of the few states that does not tax corporate income at all, though it does tax personal income. Many larger companies choose to inco...

Nursing Homes Are Trying to Avoid COVID-19 Lawsuits by Lobbying States

The sector of the United States that has been hit the hardest by COVID-19 has been the nursing homes. Tens of thousands of the elderly have died as the highly contagious virus has rapidly spread throug...

Places You Can Easily Find Unclaimed Funds

Unclaimed funds refer to the money the government holds onto before locating the original owner. There are many places where you can find unclaimed funds. Some places are more obvious than others, and some are more likely to have...

Unclaimed Funds: The Hidden Treasure That Could Solve Your Financial Problems

Unclaimed funds may be the most underrated resource for solving your financial problems. Have you ever heard of unclaimed funds, also known as dormant funds or unclaimed assets? It's estimat...

Three Meatpacking Employees Sue OSHA for Lax Regulation and Oversight

The meatpacking industry has come under scrutiny recently for its actions during COVID-19. Meatpackers have been sued by their employees for gross negligence that allegedly led to their injury and death...

Got a Letter Asking You to Pay Back Unemployment? Read This Now

If you were among the millions of Americans put out of work due to COVID-19 this year, you probably did what many others did: file for unemployment. Of course, for those employed in "regular jobs"...

Class Action Lawsuits Versus Regular Claims

A lawsuit that's filed by an individual differs from a class action suit since any damages awarded by a judge are paid to a single plaintiff. A class-action lawsuit is filed when a group of people suffering financial or ph...

Washington State the Latest to Announce Unclaimed Funds

The idea of unclaimed funds is something that dates back generations. People unaware that they're owed an inheritance, or some sort of tax rebate, etc, goes back a very long way. Generally speaking, few people ...

Stop Companies and Governments from Grabbing Your Unclaimed Assets

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have lost money, jobs, and opportunities that could cost them in the long run. Of course, that means that it's critical for everyone to safeguard what they alr...