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COVID-19 Can Lead to a Wave of Lawsuits Against Nursing Homes

Nursing home litigation is already a vibrant area of the law as thousands of lawsuits are filed each year due to these facilities' failure to properly care for their residents. Now, in the wake of COVID-19 ...

Don't Leave Money on the Table - Check for Unclaimed Funds in Colorado Today

Have you ever wondered if there is money out there that belongs to you, but you just don't know about it? You're not alone - there are millions of dollars in unclaimed funds and property...

Clever Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds

There are billions of dollars in unclaimed funds around the world. Unfortunately, the process of claiming it remains a nightmare for most people. The good news is many new and innovative ways to search for and claim unclaimed money. Bes...

A Beginner's Guide to Claiming Lost Financial Assets

Are you ready to start getting your unclaimed funds? You may have heard of unclaimed money or assets, but do you know anything about claiming them? Unclaimed funds, also known as lost financial assets, are monetary po...

Don't Let Your Money Slip Away: Unclaimed Funds and Savings Bonds in South Carolina

Have you ever wondered how a state managed to lose track of $1.8 billion? That was a headline that recently caught everyone's attention in South Carolina. Although the money wasn...

How to Prevent Your Assets from Becoming "Unclaimed" in a Few Easy Steps

Today we'll be focusing on how to prevent assets from becoming unclaimed. Remember, even if an asset is reclaimed, only its initial amount can be taken back. When it comes to unclaimed as...

Greedy New York City Property Owners Face Multiple Class Action Lawsuits

New York City landlords and property managers who represent the five boroughs are getting hammered in class action lawsuits from their tenants. The Housing Rights Initiative helped tenants file 55 J-...

Must-Have Information if You've Ever Incorporated in Delaware

The state of Delaware is known for having lots of corporations. It's one of the few states that does not tax corporate income at all, though it does tax personal income. Many larger companies choose to inco...

Have an LG Refrigerator? A Settlement Might Be Waiting For You.

A class-action lawsuit that was filed against LG because of compressor failures in 31 different refrigerator models reached a settlement agreement on Aug. 14. The refrigerators include models with French or s...