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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets

How to Find out if the Department of Treasury Owes You Money

Have you ever wondered whether the Department of Treasury owes you money? In Virginia alone, there is a little over $2 billion waiting to be claimed, according to the Virginia Department of Treasury. Across t...

Law on Call? Why This May be the Next Evolution of Legal Aide

One of the most common complaints amongst the public is that it can be quite difficult to obtain the services of both a good and affordable attorney. This has led to debates on how the justice system unfairly...

Lawsuits Make Lenders Pay for Inaccuracies in Your Credit Reports

With lenders using a composite FICO score to decide whether to extend credit, finance a car, or offer a credit limit increase, consumers are advised to monitor their credit reports. In 2020, consumers are exp...

How to Tell Whether an Unclaimed Asset Site is Legitimate or Not

The unclaimed asset industry is a huge industry with tens of billions of dollars up for grabs. Naturally, this attracts scammers. Among them, there are two main types. The first steals your information. T...

Settlement Opportunities For You and Your Family

If you have been injured by any of the following products, you may be entitled to compensation for your suffering. Each of the instances below allow for a free case evaluation:   1. Injury Settlements People get...

How to Tell if You Qualify for COVID-19 Relief Assets from the Government

There's no question that COVID-19 has impacted almost everyone at this point, whether directly or indirectly. Some have had the misfortune of catching the virus and even dying from it, while oth...

Impacted By COVID-19? These Grants Could Help Making It Through The Crisis

It's no secret that COVID-19 has affected almost every American one way or another. Even if nobody in your own family has been directly infected by the deadly virus, chances are at least one ...

Have You Protected Your Assets in Your Second Marriage?

If you've just decided to get married again, you need to take the right measures to protect your assets in your second marriage. As you may already know, failing to do so can keep the intended family members from...

Unclaimed Funds: What You Need to Know

Have you ever heard of unclaimed funds? If not, you're not alone. Unclaimed funds represent forgotten or lost money or assets, and the rightful owner has yet to claim them. It can happen for various reasons, including when someon...