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Class Action Lawsuits: Is Researching Current Cases Really Worth It?
A lot of people don't follow the latest class action lawsuit news because they believe that research and class action processes are a waste of time. They think that they won't find a settlement...
Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds
Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds According to news from Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday, the Treasury department is set to return around $10 million in unclaimed funds to Oregon residents in t...
Amazon Hit with Lawsuit Brought by Sickened Employees
One of the major litigation issues arising from the COVID-19 outbreak is whether employers will be liable in civil lawsuits when employees contract coronavirus at work. The usual remedy for this is that the employee ca...
Grubhub Sued for Forcing "Partnerships" on Restaurants
Grubhub has been one of the businesses that have benefited from the COVID-19 lockdowns as people have ordered food in their homes. However, their business practices have come under attack from restaurants that claim t...
Federal judge approves multi-billion dollar settlement between local governments and the Sackler family
Purdue Pharmaceuticals Purdue Pharma is a multi-decade old company that is thought to be largely responsible for the opioid epidemic. This is due to their creati...
Find Out if You're Sitting on a Fortune: A Guide to Unclaimed Funds
Governments, financial institutions, and other organizations in trust accounts or forgotten bank accounts hold unclaimed funds. These funds often go unclaimed due to an owner's death, change of addres...
LG Starts Claims in a Class-Action Lawsuit for Its French Door Refrigerators
LG has agreed to a settlement for its French side-by-side refrigerators. Perchance you own a refrigerator produced between January 2014 and December 2017; you may receive a reward for having a defe...
Student Sues UT-Austin, Citing Inferiority of Online Education
A student at the University of Texas at Austin has joined a growing list of others filing class-action lawsuits against colleges and universities around the country in the wake of the pandemic. On February 2...
3 Million Plaintiffs in Huge Healthcare Class Action
Early this week in Sacramento, California, news was released about a gigantic class action lawsuit that was taking place in the area, where over 3 million individuals joined up as plaintiffs in order to sue a healthca...